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How To Add a Domain or Sub-Domain Name

Before adding your domain or sub-domain make sure you have updated your name servers or A record by following our guide

Adding a domain or sub-domain to your CloudSite application is simple using the steps below. A domain or sub domain under a CloudSite will share the same CloudSite application content. If you need separate content for a different domain or sub-domain you will want to create a separate CloudSite and add that domain or sub-domain to.

  1. Log in to your GearHost Account
  2. Click on the CloudSite you want to attach a domain to
  3. Click the Domains tab
  4. Click the Add Domain button
  5. Enter in the domain name or sub domain name and click Create Domain

The Domains tab is a list of domains that your CloudSite will explicitly serve requests for. It is also a list of DNS zones that you can modify DNS records for.

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